Countries from which returning to Latvia you must self-isolate for 10 days

On 21 May 2021, the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia updated the list of countries to which it is not recommended to travel.

People who are travelling from abroad, where the 14-day cumulative number of Covid-19 cases per 100 000 inhabitants exceeds 50 cases per 100 000, has to comply with self-isolation for 10 days.

Self-isolation will be needed when coming from Spain, Andorra, Monaco, France, Malta, Croatia, Romania, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Cyprus, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Greece. Similarly, the 10-day quarantine should also be respected when returning from other third countries, including Russia and Belarus.

Travellers returning to Latvia from countries where the 14-day cumulative number of Covid-19 cases per 100 000 inhabitants exceeds 50 cases per 100 000 inhabitants must have home quarantine for the next 10 days and keep up with their state of health.

Self-isolation is not neccessary for people who come from countries where the 14-day cumulative number of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 population does not exceed 50 cases per 100,000.

These countries are Iceland, Vatican, Malta, Portugal, United Kingdom,, South Korea, Rwanda, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore and Israel.

However, anyone arriving in Latvia from a country where the risk assessment is higher than 50 cases per 100,000 people must self-isolate.




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