The Circus project of the Capital of Culture kicked off in Belgium

Circus is an old art form that has always fascinated the youth. Often it’s the youth who bring a new aesthetic freshness to it. Seven partners from six European countries are starting a two-year international project “What Makes Us Move” that concentrates on developing the circus education.

During six sessions there will be workshops and master classes held in Belgium, Germany, Finland, Holland, UK and Estonia where young coaches, artists and producers can learn new skills and exchange knowledge and experiences. The training programme started in Leuven Belgium last week.

The highlight of the project is the festival of new circus “Circus Tree” that will take place in Tallinn from 5th to 14th of August 2011. The festival will bring to Tallinn up to eight most important youth circus troupes (Albert & Friends Instant Circus from London, Circus in Beweging from Leuven, Zircus Elleboog from Holland etc).

This way the people in Tallinn will receive a thorough and vivid overview of the modern trends in European Circus thanks to more than 350 artists.

The productions of contemporary circus are aesthetically beautiful and enchanting art events that combine live music, choreography and acrobatics seemingly on the limits of humanly possible.



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