The Turkish Embassy in Latvia calls for support for the victims of the tragedy

Türkiye was hit by two devastating earthquakes with a magnitude of 7,7 and 7,6 on Monday, February 6, followed by 1206 aftershocks.

The earthquakes have affected a vast area with a total population of 13,5 million people. The following 10 provinces were hit by the earthquakes: Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Diyarbakır, Adana, Osmaniye, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Malatya and Elazığ. This is the largest disaster since 1939 in Türkiye.
As of today, the death toll is more than 18.000 and 74.000 people are injured. Unfortunately, these figures are increasing.

At this stage, Search and Rescue operations still continue with the hope to find more survivors. Turkish State mobilized all its Emergency Response capabilities to provide every support needed in the area. These ongoing rescue efforts are complemented by international support. Many governments are dispatching rescue/medical personnel, funds and equipment. Türkiye is coordinating incoming international aid.
We thank the Government of Latvia for its support and solidarity. We also thank the Latvian people for their contributions to the aid Campaign. Support and contibutions of all the Turkish Companies and our citizens in Latvia are also appreciated.

Please follow the Embassy’s official communication channels listed below for practical information regarding the ongoing aid campaign.

Those who wish to donate for the recent Earthquakes in Türkiye can do so through the disaster relief account opened by the Turkish Embassy in Luminor Bank.
Account Number : LV87RIKO0002930355735
Bank Name : Luminor Bank

It is also possible to send donations via accounts of the official aid agencies AFAD, Turkish Red Crescent and Turkish Diyanet Foundation which are indicated below:

Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Riga Tel: (+371) 67821600
Emergency: (+371) 20331048 (Whatsapp possible)
[email protected]
MFA Türkiye Consular Call Center 7/24 : +90 312 292 292




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