Birštonas resort in Lithuania lights a Christmas tree and surprises people with an unexpected fire parade

Last weekend, a Christmas tree was lit in Birštonas resort, and the city's residents and guests were surprised by an unexpected hot air balloon pilots fire parade.

Although there was no Christmas tree lighting due to quarantine and restrictions, city residents and guests were able to see the decorations throughout the resort. Also, an unexpected surprise – parade – had been prepared by hot air balloon pilots. The pilots of cars with balloon baskets with fire burners in their trailers drove through the city streets and wished a beautiful and peaceful holiday waiting time.

Birštonas is famous not only for its mineral water and sanatoriums, but also for its long tradition of hot air balloons, because this is where high-level competitions are held every year, in which pilots from different countries take part. Therefore, the participation of hot air balloons in various celebrations is an integral part of the event.

Birštonas has also become a city, where the lit Christmas tree attracts attention and creates a festive mood. Decorated with thousands of glittering light bulbs and snowflake-like decorations, the holiday tree made of spruce branches will now delight Birštonas residents and resort guests.

Birštonas is an international health care resort town in Lithuania, famous for its unique nature, the loops of the Nemunas, mineral water and the roots of the royal family. The resort is endowed with a wealth of nature: flowing mineral water springs, healing mud, clean air, and a healthy climate. The resort is proud of a bromine-rich mineral water that is recognized and valued in Europe.



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