Latgale is closer than ever (video)

Latgale is closer than ever and even safer to travel! Watch new videos of Latgale region and choose which Latgale is closer to you!

Get to know Latgale as a culturally rich region and witness that Latgale is as modern part of Europe as the rest of Latvia, but with its own special hospitality and charm that cannot be described in words, but should be felt by everyone.

Go on an exciting trip to Latgale together with your family or friends. Learn to speak Latgalian, try dishes made from pearl barley in Northern Latgale, traditional strong drink shmakovka, Latgale beer or special dessert called asushkas from Latgale rural hosts, enjoy art and culture, warm black sauna, collect herbal tea, be amused by surprisingly pleasant silence or jump into active recreation – rafting on a boat or riding on SUP-boards. In Latgale, everyone can find a suitable recreation!

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All the videos were created thanks to the collaboration with the international marketing company “Civitta” and Anna Rosenfeld, who inspired her entire family to become travelers in Latgale, spending an unforgettable weekend in this region. Anna herself says: “The representatives of Civitta were so enthusiastic about this project that they decided to take part in the video shooting themselves, inviting the whole family. The video concept consists of three stories, attracting different audiences (family, active recreation lovers, and seniors), each of the audience goes to different tourist places in Latgale and enjoys the charm of the region, at the end all the stories merge into one conclusion. It was a great opportunity to enjoy the vacation, during which the amazing and hospitable Latgale was revealed!”

These videos are part of an advertising campaign implemented by the Latgale regional tourism association “Ezerzeme” in cooperation with Latgale tourism operators and local governments. Project “Marketing campaign for the development and promotion of rural tourism in the Latgale region” (No. 19-00-A01630-000003).




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