Wide range of Vilnius Airport flights attracts Lithuanian neighbours

More and more foreign passengers choose Vilnius not only as a great holiday destination but also...

Traditional International rowing festival «In memory of the Amber Way»

Traditional International Rowing Festival "In Memory Of The Amber Way" devoted to popularize active leisure...

Lithuanian Airports: 11% rise in performance over one year after the merger

As shown by a comparison of the first five months of 2014 and 2015, the performance of Lithuanian Airports...

Lux Express launches new route to Warsaw for business travelers

Taking into account the needs of the market for business class facilities on board, the largest operator of...

New entertainment for departing passengers at Vilnius Airport

The first airport cinema hall in the Eastern and Northern Europe was inaugurated at Vilnius Airport on May 28th...

New Season of Orange Bikes in Vilnius

A city bike self-service system CycloCity Vilnius will start this season on April 1st. There are 37 self-service terminals installed in Vilnius. The stations are distributed in...

Get Ready to Travel! ADVENTUR 2015

It is the only one international tourism, travel and active leisure exhibition in Lithuania, devoted to promoting tourism services and active lifestyle...

Take a New Look at Vilnius With City Card 2015

Guests visiting Vilnius can already enjoy the advantages of Vilnius City Card 2015. Annually updated project started its new year with good news...

Awards to the Winners of “Vilnius Hospitality 2014”

On the 27 November during the solemn ceremony, taking place at Vilnius Town Hall, the winners of “Vilnius Hospitality 2014” were awarded...

The Largest LIKE Symbol in the World Was it in Lithuania

Lithuania now owns another unique tourist attraction – the largest LIKE symbol in the world dedicated to social networks...

The Bastion of Vilnius Invites Visitors Again

At the beginning of November, the Bastion of Vilnius Defense Wall, which was renovated for about six years, opened its doors...

A contemporary music festival in Vilnius - GAIDA

The GAIDA Festival, has taken place in Vilnius since 1991 is the most prominent festival of contemporary music in Lithuania. This is...

Inconvenient Films - Lithuanian film festival about human rights

Human Rights Documentary Film Festival "Inconvenient Films" is an annual documentary film...

National costumes are a beautiful and constant classic

Not only specialists, but those who wish to wear it, are interested in the national costume. The curators of Lithuanian...

Vilnius Airport teamed up with luxury brand IDW Esperanza Resort

On October 9 International Vilnius Airport introduced brand new business lounge IDW Esperanza...

How does the world perceive Lithuania? finds out how different nationalities of the world perceive Lithuania: "For example, Andrew from Great Britain..."

Travel writer Brendan Harding about Lithuania's mushroom mania

"Collecting mushrooms in the forests of Eastern Europe is an age old tradition and provides a collective...

Air Lituanica joins forces with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Air France

Airline Air Lituanica has signed a interline agreement with two leading global airlines Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines...

Brendan Harding's travel notes on Lithuania

Travel writer Brendan Harding shares his story about the time he spent in Lithuania, and the gems he had discovered along the way...

Air Lituanica guarantees on-time arrival

The airline Air Lituanica seeks to become the most punctual airline operating from Vilnius Airport. With on-time arrival guarantee...

Air Lituanica to operate flights to London, Edinburgh and Gothenburg during the Christmas season

During the major holidays of the year – from 19 December to 4 January - the airline Air Lituanica will...

Free Public Exhibition of The Historical Buddha's Relics in Klaipeda and Vilnius

The Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour is a free public exhibit of ancient and sacred relics from the...

St. Bartholomew Fair 2014, August 22-23

The history of local guilds has not been presented in a proper way in Vilnius up to present. It is very modestly reflected in...

Water tourism season starts in Birštonas

Water tourism is currently very popular in Birštonas. The number of water routes has been increasing and a bigger number...

Vilnius Cathedral Bell Tower Opens Doors to Visitors

Vilnius Cathedral Bell Tower was closed the entire decade; during the last three years architectural research and restoration work was conducted...

Vilnius Tourist Information Centre Join Foursquare Week

On 16th April there is an international “Foursquare” day, during which various activities and actions...

On April 1st Streets Will Be Full of Orange Bikes

A city bike self-service system CycloCity Vilnius which was successfully launched last year will start this season...

Virtual Trip around Vilnius Musems with Google Street View

New Google Street View views from Vilnius have become available on Google Maps. Supplemented...

Birštonas – Lithuania’s jazz mecca – invites one and all to the 18th marathon of quality music

This March 28-30, Birštonas 2014 – the oldest international jazz festival in Lithuania – will be taking place...

International Tourism, Leisure and Sports Exhibition ADVENTUR

International tourism, leisure and sports exhibition ADVENTUR is a remarkable and cheerful holiday scenario...

Holiday and travel offers 12.06.2024 - 19.06.2024 NEW for the upcoming season!   Trakai TIC
The Trakai Eko City Tour is one of the quickest and most convenient ways to explore the historic Old Town of Trakai. | More
Holiday and travel offers 11.06.2024 - 18.06.2024  The reconstruction of the Island Castle Trakai TIC
The reconstruction of the Island Castle is already under way! | More
Unforgettable dating in darkness Neredzamā Pasaule
Enjoy an unforgettable dating in the darkness! 90-minute guided tour of five rooms with a blind guide and romantic solitude in a cafe with snacks and music. | More
Holiday and travel offers 14.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 PARKING in TRAKAI: for cars, buses Trakai TIC
PARKING in TRAKAI: for cars, buses | More
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