Tallinn Airport handled 1 811 536 passengers in 2008 which is 4,8% more than in 2007.
Also 41 654 aircraft movements (7% growth) and 41 867 tonnes of mail and freight (84% growth compared to 2007) were handled in 2008.
83% of passengers were flying on scheduled flights, 17% on non-scheduled flights. The most popular holiday destinations proved to be resorts in Egypt, Turkey, Spain and Greece, whilst furthest long-haul charter destinations included India and Thailand.
The most popular scheduled destnations were Helsinki, London, Copenhagen and Oslo. Two new destinations – Minsk and Munich were introduced in 2008, as well as a seasonal route to Rome (by Estonian Air).
The busiest days were 27th of June, when 7103 passengers passed through the airports’ premises and 6th of June when 172 aircraft movements (86 flights) were handled. The biggest aircraft served at Tallinn Airport, Boeing 747-400, weighted 413 tonnes, while the smallest ultralight had the maximum take-off weight of just 270 kgs. The furthest destination was San Jose in US California, 8822 kms (5483 miles) from Tallinn. 216 different airlines, flying to/from 372 destinations in the world used the services of Tallinn Airport.
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