Plan your city break budget in Vilnius with Expedia, a leading online travel company, launch their latest interactive tool, the "City Budget Planner", which will help British holidaymakers make their money go further. The UK wing of the travel giant carried out research to find the going rate for accommodation, food and attractions in a number of cities, in order to develop this planning resource.

Expedia obtained the data by surveying 9 local tourist boards and travel bloggers to gain accurate pricing information. Those surveyed also provided "insider insights" and travel tips that recommended attractions and activities that only city natives might know about.

Armed with this info, collaborated with digital marketing agency Caliber Interactive to create a tool for travellers that sets a daily holiday budget. Users simply allocate a daily price total for one of five popular city break destinations, and then choose entertainment and essentials for one day.

For example, they can add the average cost of breakfast, lunch, dinner in a fine dining restaurant, and visits to a couple of attractions. The tool will then total a daily budget, advising the user if they overspend, and even offering affordable alternative destinations.

Displays of useful data are also shown below the finalised budget, highlighting interesting price comparisons that may help holidaymakers decide on future city break destinations.

Each location has a couple of supporting articles with expert recommendations on everything from hotels and local delicacies to the hottest nightspots or best spa treatments. These guides are intended to give users the chance to discover hidden gems in each city, and experience life more like a local.

Alex Platts, Expedia’s Commercial Director of Northern Europe said: "City breaks have been more popular than beach holidays for a couple of years now. We wanted to help people make their money go further, whether they wanted to visit a global tourist hotspot like Paris or New York, or they wanted to try somewhere that’s up-and-coming like Vilnius."

"By backing up the price information with real insider info from our local experts, we’re hoping to give people the chance to try some unique holiday experiences that may not cost the earth. We’ve started with five cities, but we are looking to expand the concept as time progresses."

About is an online travel company based in London. Launched in 1998, is a subsidiary of the world’s biggest online travel company, Expedia, Inc., which has been winning industry awards since 2003.



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