Viking Ship is approaching Vilnius

On the 6th May on the Neris River the 11th century Viking ship will appear. The crew of the ship together with several groups of ancient Baltic tribes will invite all interests to go on a time journey and experience the story of the Europe’s last pagan tribes in the Viking times. The event "Day of Tribes" in this day from 14:00 – 20:00 will transfer the banks of the Neris River beside the White bridge of Vilnius into an ancient camp of warriors, craftsmen, salesmen and storytellers.

The main idea of this events is to attract people’s attention to this period of history and to inspire us to think about such questions as what were the possible relations of the Baltic tribes and the Vikings – what, through history, can we learn from them, and how can we use this ancient knowledge and the skills which come with it in modern times?

The name Viking, used by Adam of Bremen (11th-century Archbishop), refers to Scandinavian pirates. These people formed interregional merchandising and raiding bands and not a united culture group. However, the native soil of the Baltic as one of Europe`s oldest Ethno-Linguistic groups were in permanent contact with the Viking societies by trading, as well as pillaging campaigns.

The first Lithuania’s Viking style ship further will offer a unique experiential history by traveling one millennium back in time and exploring stories of our ancestors. The ship is a symbolic platform for increasing interest of the Baltic ancient history in Lithuania, and helping to carry on the spirits of the past for future generations. Read more on



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