Lithuania celebrates International Day of Yoga

More than 35 yoga schools in Lithuania have been quietly teaching and propagating yoga over the years, and now 13 cities in Lithuania will celebrate International Day of Yoga with various events, demonstrating the love Lithuania has for yoga.

In his message India’s Ambassador to Poland and Lithuania, Mr. Ajay Bisaria said there is a global connection in the event in Lithuania.  He recalled that a resolution to celebrate International Day of Yoga was co-sponsored by 177 countries of the UN in December 2014, after India made a request to declare such a day.  He stated that yoga was beyond religion and the message of this day was that the world is one family and that the event is aimed for peace within the individual and for peace in the world.  He pointed out that yoga has wide support among people of different faiths and that the event would be celebrated in 250 cities in 192 countries.  The Ambassador expressed his confidence that yoga on such a large scale would nudge the planet towards greater peace and harmony.

One of the biggest events will be held in Vilnius, in the Town Hall, starting at 15:30 and finishing only at 22:00. There will be lectures and practical lessons, so everyone will have a chance to explore yoga not only theoretically, but practically as well. So, it is advised that everyone brings yoga mat and wears comfortable clothes for yoga lessons.

Lithuanian cities where the celebrations will be held on June 21: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Varėna, Tauragė, Marijampolė, Pasvalys, Utena, Biržai, Visaginas and Nida.



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