Soon there will be a direct flight from Vilnius airport to Lviv

In early autumn this year Vilnius airport is to welcome another new development - a new direct route to the largest city in western Ukraine - Lviv. These flights are to be launched as of 16 September this year. They shall be performed throughout the year three times a week.

"The new route, adding to the already existing two, shall further improve the communication between Lithuania and Ukraine. It shall give the Lithuanians the opportunity to access western Ukraine directly while the citizens of this region shall in turn have the possibility to visit our country. We are glad that our efforts in communication with the airlines with regard to new routes were rewarded and we can see clear evidence to that", said head of Communications and Marketing Department of SE Lithuanian Airports Indrė Baltrušaitienė.

Up until now travellers from Lithuania had been frequently accessing Lviv by a more extended and costly flight through Kiev or Warsaw.

Flights to and from Lviv shall be performed on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. A one-way trip shall last around 1.5 hours. The flight duration to Lviv shall be from 9:55 pm to 11.15 pm, and from Lviv – from 12:10 am to 1:30 am. The ticket prices for a one-way trip start from EUR 45, round-trip - from EUR 81.

As of now communication by air between Ukraine and Lithuania shall be ensured by four routes: direct flights from Vilnius Airport to Kiev, Odessa and Lviv, and from Palanga Airport - to Kiev.

Flights to Lviv shall be performed by the largest Ukrainian airline company Ukraine International Airlines. This airline company already performs passenger and cargo flights to 70 destinations in Western Europe, the Middle East, the USA and Asia. Ukraine International Airlines performs around 700 flights per week and, in cooperation with its foreign partners, offers connecting flights to almost 3000 airports. Passenger flights via the route Vilnius-Lviv shall be performed by Boeing 737-500 aircraft.



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