airBaltic Suspends All Flight Operations from March 17

The Government of the Republic of Latvia made a decision to tighten the security measures and suspend international air traffic starting on March 17 in order to limit the spread of Coronavirus. All airBaltic connections will be temporarily suspended starting on March 17 until April 14, 2020 inclusive, including operations of airBaltic from Estonia and Lithuania.

Martin Gauss, CEO of airBaltic:The safety and health of our passengers, our employees and the society is above all!”

airBaltic is working intensively to assist all passengers affected. Due to the amount of rebookings needed, we ask for understanding from our customers that we are doing our utmost to deal with this extraordinary situation,” Martin Gauss added.

All affected passengers will be contacted by sending them an e-mail. airBaltic customer service is continuing to receive an increased amount of calls and messages, so we kindly advise to contact airBaltic only if your flight was originally scheduled for the upcoming days. It will enable those, who were originally planned to have a flight coming up and need our attention most, to reach the company first. Latest information concerning the travel updates from airBaltic can be found on the company’s website.

airBaltic is currently working in a commercial crisis. Since February 28, an action group C19AG has been established at the company, which regularly evaluates the latest situation and takes the necessary measures during this extraordinary crisis.

Following the already announced staff reductions, airBaltic will in the upcoming days be in continued discussions with our staff and unions on details, how the new situation will affect the employment and future of our employees.



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