«airBaltic» Passengers Down by 86%

In October 2020, Latvian airline airBaltic carried around 64 600 passengers or 86% less compared to October 2019 from all three Baltic capitals to its network spanning Europe.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “The dramatic drop in passenger numbers due to the COVID-19 pandemic is seen in the whole aviation industry. The changing travel restrictions and the different lockdowns in Europe decreased the demand for travel in October even further. Still, airBaltic will continue to ensure essential connectivity between the Baltic States and the world.”

During October 2020, airBaltic operated around 1 500 flights. The 15-minute flight punctuality indicator for airBaltic during October 2020 reached a level of 97.7%. This means that more than 97 out of every 100 airBaltic flights departed at the planned time or with a delay of no more than 15 minutes.

A complete schedule of airBaltic flights can be found on the company's homepage at www.airbaltic.com.

The safety and health of passengers is airBaltic’s top priority. The airline is in close cooperation with the authorities to monitor the situation and is flexible to adjust the flight schedule if needed. Passengers are strongly suggested to check the travel regulations and airport restrictions on the official websites or with local embassies before travelling. Regulations are changing rapidly and vary per country, therefore always make sure you have the latest information to have a smooth journey.

To read more about the new airBaltic health measures, please visit airBaltic website: https://www.airbaltic.com/en/health-measures.



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