«airBaltic» to Offer Over 2 500 Flights During December and January

During December 2020 and January 2021, airBaltic is planning to perform over 2 500 flights on over 45 routes from all three Baltic countries. In December, the most popular destinations are Amsterdam, Oslo and London.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “The safety and health of our employees and passengers has stood and will stand above all. We are adjusting to the situation and offering our customers, who need to travel, a safe and reliable service. We are here to ensure the basic connectivity between the Baltic states and the world also this winter season.”

airBaltic data suggest that demand for flights during the upcoming holidays has, similarly to other years, significantly increased. Still, if compared to last year, the total number of passengers carried will be lower, as, due to restrictions, overall demand for leisure travel is very small, and most passengers today travel for work or visiting family.

Due to the increased demand, airBaltic has scheduled additional flights to Oslo from both Riga and Vilnius throughout December.



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