Atklāj Rīgu * Reveal Riga, a new guide to the neighbourhoods and quarters of Riga has been launched

Riga residents Rodion Shehovtsov and Zane Norvele, authors of online and printed guidebooks 'Riga This Week', winners of the competition “Person of the Year in Latvian Tourism 2018” have launched a new project, a guide to the neighbourhoods of Riga.

As the creators of the project say “In the current situation, when travel abroad has become almost impossible, it’s time to get to know your  Riga better. Support a local producer, restaurateur, farmer. Re-discover the city. Our facebook group Atklāj Rīgu * Reveal Riga * Открой Ригу; offers a new perspective on urban life. Introduces interesting facts from the history of the area, delivers hot updates for local markets, bars, restaurants and events. Give recommendations on interesting routes and places from the authors and group members. Reveal Riga will make every city walk a tad more interesting."

Each group member can post, share news of favorite areas, and take walks. The resource contains information in Russian, Latvian and English. Over time, the creators of the project, based on user recommendations, plan to launch a smart application, map and print edition.

In the meantime, join the group enjoy the fresh air, share your findings. Your participance is of the highest value to us!





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