Focus of the Kuldīga restaurant week: hemp

From 11 until 17 March, Kuldīga will host the Restaurant Week, offering various delicious dishes made from fresh, local products with a special focus on the diversity and nutritional benefits of hemp.

Hemp has always been held in high regard by Latvians. Hemp seeds were one of the important protein sources for our ancestors, with knowledge of their exceptional nutritional value dating back several centuries. Nowadays, hemp evokes a variety of associations, which is why it will be the main focus of the Kuldīga Restaurant Week: to remind us all of its nutritional value and diverse culinary applications.

A wholesome source of protein, hemp seeds contain all indispensable amino acids. Moreover, hemp is the only plant that contains a form of protein so readily assimilated by our body. Hemp oil is particularly high in fibre and essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Hemp seeds are also rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E, as well as minerals, such as sodium, calcium and iron.

Hemp leaves are edible as well. Just like nettles, they contain a lot of silicon, which is crucial in preserving strong bones and beautiful skin, hair and nails.

Hemp seeds have many healing properties too: they strengthen immunity, help eliminate toxins from the body, reduce stress, relieve insomnia, and improve concentration and memory.

It is no secret that hemp has a specific flavour, but when combined with different fresh, local products, it can bring out unusual qualities in dishes, which is something every visitor of the Kuldīga Restaurant Week will be able to experience first-hand at more than 10 different restaurants, cafés and pubs serving a plethora of hemp dishes.

As usual, during the Restaurant Week, the restaurants and cafés will be serving dishes that are not normally included in their menus for very attractive prices: two dishes for EUR 10 or three dishes for EUR 12.

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