Winter Fur Parade at Riga Zoo

This weekend, the Riga Zoo is holding its Winter Fur Parade. You can see animals wearing luxurious, warm winter coats. The Winter Coat Parade is open daily from 10.00 to 17.00 (you can by tickets until 16.00).

In summer, the camel had a slight wave covering its skin. Nowadays, the animal has a thick coat that stretches several tens of centimeters across some parts of its body, allowing it to grow considerably. Steppe cows, mountain goats, sheep, kiangs, and Przewalski's horses have shaggier, greyer coats. Reindeer, dark black-brown in summer, have now turned light grey, making them harder to see. Additionally, their coats have gotten thicker and more insulating - so they look bluish on infrared cameras. Lynxes have developed thicker, greyish coats, losing their brown tones so that they can blend in better with the grey forest landscape.

On the other hand, the Pelicans are intensely orange-pink, and after this summer in the outdoor aviary, they think spring has arrived, mating season is here, and they should head indoors to build nests and hatch eggs.

Life carries on inside the exhibitions - it is warm and cosy. That is why visitors to the Zoo also have an excellent opportunity to warm up in some of the zoo's exhibits, for example, the Giraffe House or the Tropical House. The zoo, therefore, invites you to come and be dressed in appropriate clothing. Then your visit will be enjoyable and you will have many memorable moments!

The map of the zoo:

Welcome to the Winter Fur Parade!.





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