Traffic in 2020 Increased by 30%

In 2020, the Latvian tourism news portal was visited by 30% more readers than in 2019, reaching 1.3 million unique Internet users. This number is the portal's record since 2003. 

Since the beginning of the pandemic (12.03.2020), the editorial office has been working in a very intensive mode - 24/7, to inform readers about current travel and tourism business events during the pandemic restrictions. 

Data: Google Analytic

Some interesting facts about the websites traffic in 2020 based on statistics:

- 1.3 million (1,303,302) unique Internet users visited the portal;

- geographic visitor data - 79% from Latvia, 7% from the USA, 4% from Norway, 3% from Great Britain, 1% from Germany, 1% from Lithuania, and 5% from other countries;

60% of users come from Riga, 3% from Jelgava, 2% from Valmiera, Ogre, Liepaja, Jurmala, 1% from Ventspils, Oslo, Rezekne, Daugavpils, London, and Vilnius;

65% of all visitors are women, and 35% are men;

the majority of visitors (30%) were between 25 and 34 years old, while the second majority (18%) of visitors were between 45 and 54 years old;

- 8% of users visit the portal daily, 33% once a week, and 53% once every two weeks;

70% of the site visitors use the mobile version, 28% the computer version;

the highest monthly visits to the portal were in March 2020 - 207,792;

The number of pages viewed is 4,532,228;

- on average, one user spends 42 seconds on our website;

- bounce % is 6.59;

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