In case of a positive Covid-19 test or refusal to test, travelers must comply with mandatory self-isolation

In order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 virus and its new Delta variant in Latvia, people who enter the country crossing the external land border and who have a positive or refused Covid-19 test will be transported to the place of mandatory self-isolation - residence or stay, or in the tourist accommodation administered by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency, provides for the amendments approved by the government on 14 July.

Starting from 12 July at four land border crossing points - “Grebneva”, “Terehova”, “Pāternieki” and “Silene” for people who come to Latvia and cannot present an interoperable vaccination, testing or disease certificate or until 1 September 2021 - other A valid Covid-19 vaccination, disease or Covid-19 test certificate issued in an EU / EEA country, the Swiss Confederation or the United Kingdom must be tested for Covid-19. The test must be performed at your own expense.

The regulations stipulate that in cases where the Covid-19 test is positive or refusal to perform the test, people will be transported to the place of residence or stay, or to one of the tourist accommodation administered by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency. To ensure the delivery, which will be carried out by the Emergency Medical Service, the government also provided more than 200 thousand euros of funding from contingencies.

The regulations also stipulate that in case of a positive Covid-19 test, the costs of confirmatory testing will be borne by the state, while compliance with the mandatory self-isolation will be monitored by the Health Inspectorate and the State Police.

Self-isolation must be observed for 10 days. The self-isolation time can be shortened if the test is repeated on day 7 and is negative.


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