Around the Arctic Circle in a dogsled? Latvians have the chance to take part in a unique polar expedition

After a three-year hiatus, Latvians can now take part in the Fjällräven Polar dogsled expedition, which is limited to 20 people. Participants will have to sled 300 kilometers in extreme weather over six days. Dog sledding experience isn't necessary.

The Arctic Dogsled Expedition in Sweden and Norway aims to give participants a taste of life beyond the Arctic Circle and encourage more people to spend time outdoors during the cold winter months. The team will start from Poikijärvi, northern Sweden, with 20 people and 180 Alaskan huskies. Their journey will take them through the biggest permafrost in Europe and end in northern Norway.

One of the expedition members, Estonian Maiju Linekunda, says the dogsled expedition helped her to get in touch with herself and nature, and to realize that man isn't made to stay inside. "That's the great thing about Polar - you don't need to do anything to go out of your comfort zone and experience something amazing. You just have to apply. We'll provide all the equipment and training."

Important dates:

    - The Fjällräven Polar dog sledding expedition will take place from 30 March to 5 April.

    - Applications will open on the evening of 24 October and will run until 13 November. Candidates must complete an application on the Fjällräven website and take part in three social media challenges, where they must explain to a panel of judges what makes them the right person to take part in a polar expedition.

    - The winners will be announced on 23 November.

    - On 24 October, a Polar introduction event took place in the virtual environment. You can register for the event here.




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