
Showing results 1 - 13 from 13 for 'prison'

Netflix-Famous Prison in Vilnius Welcomes New International Music Festival

A century-old prison in Vilnius will welcome international music enthusiasts to...

Pearls of Lithuanian culture that every Lithuanian is proud of!

Lithuania is an amazing country whose existence is marked by unique cultural and valuable objects. Some receive more attention, others less, but the fact is...

TOP museums in Estonia with a twist

Many of Estonia’s smallest museums are also the most quirky. With something for all interests, from design to natural history, these exhibits inform...

Get to know «Tourism Top100 LV2022»

In cooperation with the Latvian tourism industry, the tourism news portal has created a preliminary list of Latvia's TOP100 currently unique...

Sensational Vilnius: Lukišķi Prison, Open-Air Cafes and Other Current Experiences in the Lithuanian Capital

The Lithuanian capital Vilnius is presenting a new tourism campaign "Sensational Vilnius", which highlights the most interesting...

Things you can only do in Estonia

What can you do in Estonia that you cannot do anywhere else? Here are a few ideas to get you started...

Things you can only do in Estonia

What can you do in Estonia that you cannot do anywhere else? Here are a few ideas to get you started...

5 things to do at Into the Valley music festival

The music festival Into The Valley 2017 (29.06-2.07) will unfold on a summery beach with crystal blue water, standing in stark contrast to the derelict prison on the grounds... visits the Devil’s Hill in Jaunpils - Photo

15 photos. Legend says that a local lord imprisoned his servant in a cave for a wrongdoing. The lord forbid him to shave, clean himself, or leave the cave...

Visit Karosta Prison in Liepaja

The garrison prison of Liepāja's Karosta was built at the beginning of the 20th century as a Navy hospital but has never been used...

Former KGB headquarters in Riga to open to the public for the first time

In 2014, as part of the European Capital of Culture year in Riga, the notorious former headquarters of the Soviet...

Liepāja War Port and Līgatne Bunker

Latvia is rich in historical military points of interest, which are open to the public and allow them to get a feel of Soviet-era atmosphere. One of the most popular such...

Karosta Prison is the most amazing and unusual hotel in the world! have just published the list with the top 10 most amazing hotels! Karosta Prison is, of course...

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