Estonia's largest shopping centre Ülemiste opens after reconstruction

The Ülemiste shopping centre opened this week after extensive reconstruction works. The renewed and expanded Ülemiste centre now features 23 shoe stores, a slide between the second and first floors and the largest children’s play area in Estonia.

With the expansion, Ülemiste gained 60 new shops and the centre was divided into thematic sectors, for example shoe stores, clothes stores and sportsware shops are all located close to each other.
In addition to shops, the centre also created 5 resting areas. These areas allow visitors to use free iPads, there are also facilities for recharging mobile phones and laptops. One of the resting areas features a slide that connects the second floor with the first and that can be used by both children and adults alike.

Ülemiste centre has also changed its outer look, and will feature a colour and light technology that will change the colour of the building on different evenings.

In addition, the centre has a three-level parking house with 400 parking spaces as well as an outdoor parking lot with 900 places. In 2015, popular restaurant chain Lido will open in Ülemiste along with a children’s area meant for the whole family.

For mor information, visit:



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