In May SAS increases the frequency on Stockholm – Vilnius Route

Since May 4, 2014 Scandinavian Airlines SAS increases the frequency on Stockholm - Vilnius route up to 28 weekly flights. Additional flights will be operated from the biggest airport in Sweden, Arlanda airport in Stockholm, on Sundays at 20:45 and on Mondays and Thursdays at 21:05. Additional SAS flights from Vilnius will be operated on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:40.

Currently SAS is operating 24 weekly flights between Stockholm and Vilnius: two flights per day on the weekdays, and one flight per day on Saturdays and Sundays. Due to additional frequencies, passengers from Vilnius will have more time-effective connections via Arlanda airport to the USA and the biggest European cities (London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin, etc.) as well as Scandinavian ones, e.g. to Oslo.

“Additional frequency on SAS route between Stockholm and Vilnius is our response to the business travellers’ from Lithuania need to reach their place of destination as early in the morning as possible. Meantime, our customers flying on Copenhagen-Vilnius route already have this opportunity”, pointed out Rūta Jucienė, SAS General Manager Baltic States.

On weekdays SAS flights depart from Arlanda airport at 08:35 and 14:45, and flights on Vilnius-Stockholm route are operated at 11:45 and 17:55. On Saturdays and Sundays SAS flights depart from Arlanda airport at 8:35 and 17:55 accordingly, and from Vilnius airport to Stockholm at 11:45 on Saturdays and at 21:05 on Sundays. The flight between the two capitals takes approximately 1,5 hour.

Flight tickets for the additional SAS flights for Stockholm – Vilnius - Stockholm route can be purchased from March 25, 2014.

Scandinavian Airlines SAS are operating 88 weekly flights between the main airports in Lithuania and Scandinavia in total. This includes 38 weekly flights between Vilnius and Copenhagen, 26 weekly flights between Palanga and Copenhagen, as well as 24 weekly flights between Vilnius and Stockholm. In May 2014 the total number of flights will increase to the record number of 92 flights per week.




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