Culture Night– darkness reveals more!

The best time to enjoy art, music and culture is when it is dark. Cinemas turn off all the lights before the movies, all the lamps are turned off before a play in a theatre, concert halls are darkened before every performance of an orchestra or a band. Only the darkness allows to immerse yourself into culture, let the imagination run free and enjoy the processes around you. Turn on the light and the magic disappears.

This year, one night festival of culture, "Culture Night", will keep the lights off and will invite the visitors to enjoy the culture and arts in the darkness of the night. Around 200 various projects and events will spread around Vilnius during the night from 17th to 18th of June, lasting from 6 pm to 2 am.

All the events of the “Culture Night” are FREE. It is a gift to Vilnius and its visitors from artists and the cultural and educational organizations.

During the Culture Night (former Let it be Night!) the squares, streets, parks, and the most unexpected spaces in Vilnius are filled with the projects of various types of artistic projects: music, dance, theatre, cinema, photography, state-of-the-art installations, etc.  A one-night festival was first organized in Lithuania in 2007 preparing for the events of Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009. Although, during the very first year only 40 events were hosted in Vilnius, subsequent festivals have involved more and more events and gathered more and more artists as well as participants – last year the festival of culture and art has invited the guests and permanent residents of the city to see 167 projects, presented by 700 artists from Lithuania and foreign countries. It was estimated that the events were attended by approximately 100-150 thousand people.

Initiator of the festival – Daina Urbanavičienė, the Chair of the Lithuanian Council of Culture and the Member of the Council of Vilnius City Municipality.



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