4A Code Share: 4 continents, 10 Biennales, 20 artists

Date: 16 January - 8 March
Venue: Contemporary Art Centre (Vokiečių St. 2), Vilnius
Curator: Simon Rees

The Code share designates data and service exchanges in the sphere of tourism services between air companies that share passenger lists on the basis of agreement and combine the flights when it is financially justified (one company books passenger tickets for the other company’s flight if providing the flights for both companies along the same route in half-empty planes would be unprofitable).

Often a traveller who has bought a ticked to the plane of one Air Company is surprised to find the plane of a different company and its staff wearing the attributes of such other company. The same can be said about food specific for a different national culture which is a pleasant surprise for a traveller who likes adventures and which however might disappoint those who have been expecting the “taste of home” and relaxation surrounded by familiar sounds and tastes before the plane lands.

The Code Share exhibition is mirroring these strategies of tourism business and flying the best of works of international art to Vilnius together with contemporary art Biennales from Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe. The Contemporary Art Centre initiated cooperation with ten international Biennales. In concert with curators and directors two artists have been selected from each Biennale who upon their arrival to Vilnius created huge works of art for the “Code Share” Biennale. As a result, Vilnius has become the global terminal for the creation and distribution of art. “Code Share” for the first time introduces the audience of the Contemporary Art Centre to the African artists, while the latter are coming to create to Vilnius for the first time.

Biennales involved in the project: from Africa – Sharjah Biennale (United Arab Emirates) and Dak’Art (Senegal); from Australia – Adelaide Biennale of Australian Art and Biennale of Sydney (Australia); from America – Whitney Biennale of American Art (United States of America) and SITE Santa Fe (United States of America); from Asia – Singapore Biennale and Taipei Biennale (Taiwan); and from Europe – Istanbul Biennale (Turkey) and Liverpool Biennale (England).


Information www.kulturagyvai.lt



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