First Hilton hotel in Vilnius will open in 2018

On July 21, Hilton confirmed it will open one of its Hilton Garden Inn hotels in Vilnius in 2018. The project will be managed by real estate development company, EIKA.

The hotel will be part of an 18,000-metre multifunctional business complex, which will also house high-end apartments, a shopping arcade and an open public gallery.

In a joint press conference in Vilnius’ municipality building with Eika manager, Domas Dargis, Vilnius mayor Remigijus Šimašius said: "The opening of a top-end business complex which will be home to a world-class hotel and shopping centre is significant for Vilnius and our residents."

"It symbolises the regeneration of Gediminas Avenue, which the city recently began when it recently began its redevelopment of Lukiškės Square.

“The arrival of the Hilton brand will make Vilnius a more attractive city for foreign guests and international events."
"The project has been under consideration for almost three years, and the flow of tourists to the city shows that now is a very favourable time to invest in Vilnius," he said.

Dargis noted that the decision to bring the Hilton brand to Vilnius was based on a year-on-year increase of tourists to Vilnius for almost three years.

He believes this is a demonstration of the city’s favourable climate for investors.

Dargis added that international hotel specialists had been brought in to consult on the hotel’s brand and size.

The construction of the Vilnius Hilton Garden Inn will begin in early 2017.



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