Facilitations could be introduced on cafe terraces, in shops and for gatherings

If the two-week cumulative indicator of Covid-19 is less than 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, then it is planned to introduce relief on cafe terraces, shops, as well as for private and wider gatherings, according to Health Minister Daniel Pavluts.

The Minister of Health pointed out that if the morbidity during the holiday is less than 100, then the expected relief could come into force already in Midsummer. Currently, experts in the Operational Management Group are still working on possible facilitations and the result of its work must be awaited, Pavluts pointed out.

According to the data published today on Sunday, the incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants has decreased to 103.6 cases.

With less than 100 patients per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the encouragement of the Ministry of Health (MoW), the number of visitors allowed on the outdoor terraces of public catering places at one table could be increased to 20 people and with children it could reach 30 people, the health minister said.

Up to 500 people could be allowed to gather indoors and 1,000 outdoors, Pavluts said. It is clear that the right to attend such extensive events could be linked to some additional conditions that the visitors themselves must meet in order to achieve epidemiological security.

With regard to vaccinated people, the regulation of private measures definitely needs to be changed, increasing the current maximum number of 20 people, the Minister of Health emphasized.

There is a discussion with the representatives of the Ministry of Economics about increasing the number of buyers allowed in stores, for example, reducing the minimum number of square meters per person from 25 square meters to 15 square meters - this option is supported by the Ministry of Economy.


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